Sunday, October 21, 2007

A bit of fluff

It's hard to follow rules #1- (Choose your attitude) and #2 (Have fun)

When "where you are" #3 Is watching your Texans loose 25 to 7 with more penalty yards than offense.

I guess I'll go for #4 and make somenone's day. Off the the used book store.

32 - 15, 4th qtr.

32 - 22, 8 Minutes left

Two turnovers in 4 minutes - it's hard to find a happy place.

35 - 29, 1:37 left. At least they're making it interesting.

Onsides Kick! 1:32 left

35 - 36! this is insane! 57 seconds left

2 seconds left Titan field goal.
38 - 36
A record setting 8 field goals for Tennessee

Good game.
And my very first live blog.

Now I'm off to the bookstore.


Unquiet said...

Now that logic for ya. Texan's love a challenge. Think of the historic comback posibilities. ;)

Also testing group comment forwarding.

Unquiet said...

I told you Texan's love a challenge. That's was almost the historic comback.

OTOH: I spend all morning composing my first blog post and find it bumped off the front page by a sports scoreboard also available on at least 20 differenct channels scrolling across the bottom of screens of all across the country.

My wife got a kick out of that one when I went to show her my first posting and after reading it she refreshed to see if I got any comments and pooff it was off the front page.

Murphy's Law or Dougman!

daddyquatro said...

As the title implies, it was just meant to be a bit of fluff, but then I got all caught up in the live-blogging thing.